Are orders shipped with tracking information?
Yes*. After your order has been sent out, you will receive a notification e-mail with a tracking code. These e-mails sometimes end up in your spam folder, so please take a look if you haven't received anything. If it's not there, please get in contact.
All orders are shipped with PostNL. With international shipping, it's best to track the parcel on the website of their network partner that will do the delivery, once it has arrived in country of destination. Tracking updates are more accurate there.
This network partner is usually the national mail company of your country. For example:
United Kingdom: Royal Mail
Australia: Australian Post
Canada: Canada Post
Unfortunately PostNL does not provide a list of network partners.
When you are not sure which company will handle your parcel, please get in contact.
* Orders containing only stickers will be sent through lettermail (no tracking information).